Learn with She4She is a successful Hungarian language course funded by UNHCR and
carried out by the members of Migrant Women Hungary Organization.
She4She initiated teaching Hungarian language in 2023. In 2024 we completed our second
course where participants learnt already on two different levels in two groups - on level A1
and level A2.
Our target group is migrant women who live in Hungary. The course syllabus focuses on all
skills that are essential for Hungarian language, like speaking, listening, grammar and
vocabulary. Our syllabus is tailor-made and reflects to the foreigners’ needs.
During our lessons we provided professional babysitting so that ladies with a child could join
the course.
In 2024 in our language teaching project our partner was Közkincs Könyvtár that homed our
course and created inspiring learning environment for our groups.
In the 2024 course twenty participants completed successfully the 100-hour training.
We are grateful for our donor UNHCR that with the grant they provided safe and predictable
background of our project in which we managed to go on with our main mission: integrating
migrant women in the Hungarian culture and society.
We also thank the members and participants for active work and interest.