As part of the she4she info session activities, with support and contribution from UNHCR Hungary, we
launched an info session focused on the theme of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based
Violence, which took place on Nov 29 at Next Step association. This period marks a crucial international
moment urging an end to violence against women and girls worldwide.
The event included various activities aimed at raising awareness of women, such as a movie screening,
a UNHCR presentation, open dialogue, and a Kahoot winning bonus.
Our campaign emphasized the prevention of GBV via education, enabling individuals to identify
challenges and detrimental actions. We established a safer community by promoting respectful
relationships and open dialogues, helping women feel confident.
In conclusion, our goal was to interrupt the cycle of violence by offering support and fostering equality. As
a result, participants found access to assistance resources, we urged victims to seek help, and we
reassured them that they were not alone. Together, we can create a world where everyone lives free from
fear and create the mutual trust necessary for a future in which all individuals are treated with respect
and dignity.